What's Up, Doc?: The Schuler Solutions Leadership Blog by A. J. Schuler, Psy. D.

Articles on leadership, mentoring, organizational change, psychology, business, motivation and negotiation skills. . . and anything else that strikes my interest or the interest of my readers.

Go to my business home site here.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Heya, Stranger

Ok, I've been busy, and am embarrassed by how little content I've been creating and posting.

I'm not sure its going to get consistently better for me, that I'll have time to do as much content creation as I have been able to do in the past, but I'm dipping my toe back in today and hoping for the best.

The good news I've been busy in a good way, and there have been no health problems or any other such reason for my relative absence.

So, hello again!